Big list of stuff I need to get done (in no particular order also some things get repeated bc I type them in whenever I remember to do something and don't go through to see what i previously wrote :) ) :
integrate a guestbook at bottom of page; link it to the "contact" me page in top left nav bar
have a different gestbook in right navbar for light chatting : integrate usin g i frames and put it in the blockquote section
make the blog nav bar and corresponding submenu
make a blog post
make more gifs to use
Link my socials on contact page (tumblr, pintrest, email etc)
follow more neocities accounts; actually become part of the community
use those sparkly stickr things everyone has goigng on (idk what they're called T-T)
(maybe) do petra site competition idk yet
add a pet or smt to make the site more fun
add mini games/pets to side bars to make it more interactive
make blog sub categories :
yap sesh
daily gratitude journal
think pink
finish integrating righ navbar guest book **URGENT**
add more marquees; join more web cliques
write blog posts
add glitter to site
links back to pintest as an i frame
re-format to-do lsit as an actual check mark thingy
add ribbons or lace trim borders to guestbook i frames on contact page, right nav bar(now that i have the cbox set up) and footer
add site map on opening page (aka index.html) then move main page to be the nect one over (aka main.html) tldr: make a opening page with enter sign --> bings you to site map-->brings you to main page with nav bar and other stuff (or what ever page you chose iwhen you cklied on the sitemap